Bukit Lawang
Bukit Lawang, Sumatra, Indonesia.
The name means 'Gateway to the Hill' and is situted 80KM from Medan.
Bohorok is only small part
of the 9000 square kilometers or 90,000 hectares of mt. Leuser
national park. The magnificent rainforest of this park have became
famous through out the word as they harbor some of the most
endangered and rare species on the earth for example Sumatra
rhinoceros, elephant, tiger and as many as seven species of primates
one of which is siamang, which has impressive far reaching vocal
display the agile and pretty face thomas leaf-monkey and long tailed
msacagues are also common.
In total the park lists 285
species of bird, 90 mammals 1063 amphibians. The the park flora
contains some 3500 plant species and each hectares of lowland forest
you can find an amazing 60-130 tree species. Geologically there are
several limestone formation along the foothills of the mountains some
with beautiful caves long ago there were coal reefs which have since
been uplifted from the sea at rate of a few millimeters per year by
process of colliding ocean floors and drifting continents. This
infinitely slow collision and the enormous forces involved have led
to the formation of high mountains and volcanic zones. Some 18.000
years ago during glaciers period snow and ice sea level at the time
was more than 80 m lower than at present and and the island of
Sumatra, Java and Borneo then formed one huge land mass which was
connected via Malaysia to the Asian mainland.
Bukit Lawang Transport
We can organise all your needs during a stay in Indonesia and Bukit Lawang.