Nanda Hotel Bukit Lawang

Please Contact Us if you want to booking the room in nanda hotel bukit lawang

Senin, 22 Juli 2013

Contact Us

Please contact us, preferably by phone or SMS for a faster response +62813 6108 1655 +62813 9719 5798 Contact us Email :  Office address: Bukit Lawang, Perumahan J4  ...


Information Bukit Lawang Bukit Lawang, Sumatra, Indonesia. The name means 'Gateway to the Hill' and is situted 80KM from Medan. MOUNT LEUSER NATIONAL PARK Bohorok is only small part of the 9000 square kilometers or 90,000 hectares of mt. Leuser national park. The magnificent rainforest of this park have became famous through...


TransportWe can organise all your transport needs. Pickups and meetings available. Bukit Lawang is 80KM and 3 hours by mini-bus from Medan. Take the mini-bus from Pinang Baris. This bus goes to Gotong Royong where you can take a Bejack to Bukit Lawang. We can pick you up from the airport, and escort you on the tourist/public bus. Altenatively relax and we pick you up with a car.All prices per personTousit busMedan to Bukit Lawang150.000RP - 15 EuroMedan...

Jungle Trek and Rafting

Jungle Treks The tropical rainforest of Mt. Leuser National Park has many interesting options for places to camp in the jungle for one day or longer. Sites around Bukit Lawang: orangutan feeding platform and batcave. Rubber plantations, secondary forest, primary forest and a beautiful river. And so much more. Price for jungle treks: Included in all: your guide, all permits,...


Guided tours Bukit Lawang: find all that Bukit Lawang has to offer, from relaxing to markets, orangutan viewing and a bat cave. Brastagi: activities the colourful fruit and vegetable market famous for its passion fruit. Attractions of the town are two active volcanoes with hot springs. Lake Tobar: The lake is 100 kilometres long, 30 kilometres wide, and up to 505 metres (1,666 ft)...


AccomodationWe can organise all your accomodation needs. From budget upwards. Inclusive or exclusive of food.We can give you extensive information about eating, drinking and staying in Bukit Lawang with many recommendations from a wealth of experience for the right places to suit your needs.  ...